Still of my short film starring Karli Cladrowa, Jermaine Adoptie and Cem Altınöz
This is where we lost brevity in the appropriate manner: fast-food for lunch and slow-food for dinner. In the subway we shall watch a quick flick and in the evening – to calm down – we are supposed to watch slow-paced entertainment.
who the biggest competitor of Netflix is. Is it the gigantic Amazon Prime, or the innovative Hulu? No. According to him the biggest competitor for Netflix is sleep. Another streaming service would just be another drop in the ocean of time and money. Just as Benjamin Franklin said: ‘Remember that time is money.’, or as Karl Marx already described in his Outlines of Capital: A Critique of Political Economy: ‘eventually all economics dissolve in an economy of time’ .

‘Empire’ – a 485-minute long stationary view of the Empire State Building throughout sunset. Initially filmed at 24 frames per second, Warhol intended it to be seen in slow motion at 16 frames per second, extending the 6 1 / 2 hour length of the film to 8 hours and 5 minutes. Andy Warhol simply wanted the viewer ‘(…) to see time go by’ Bourdon, D. (1989). Warhol.

Posters for the project shown at the #WalkBy Exhibition