Bachelor thesis on the subject “necessity & relevance of hypothesis”.
T8E18E is a book, that collects three fields of hypotheses: sociology (“Gefährte”), psychology (“Seele”) and philosophy (“Sophia”). It has been done as bachelor thesis and is relatively small with a measurement of 268 × 205 mm when it is opened. It has a cover sleeve with the cryptic title T8E18E. This publication is providing scientific texts, as well as modern literature next to photography that has been done to underline the hypotheses in those texts. The given text is sometimes provided as excerpts, summaries, or quotes. White drawings on blue background serve the purpose of dividing the three chapters.
The book has been printed digitally in an edition of five. Visually, the work is playing with the viewer’s perception and his assumptions by arousing, confirming or debunking them through first showing only a snippet of the whole image and later on revealing it completely. Only two colors have been used: A dark blue being soothing and also being used in literature for distance, desire and clarity. After all the construction of hypothesis has one purpose: the desire to create clarity. Black is being used for the parts of knowledge.
In our social structure, one quickly subordinates to given systems taking them as granted. It is expected or assumed, that this would be the right way to live in order to find happiness or satisfaction. I wanted to find out what leads people to this assumption. Why are life-changing decisions being made by relying on assumptions? This work is addressing people who are questioning the basics of living. Whether they are in the middle of starting their job career, or retired: many people are experiencing a new reflectiveness, maybe even crisis and are thinking about what is important in their lives.
In der Sozialstruktur wird sich sehr schnell diversen Systemen, wie beispielsweise dem Schulsystem untergeordnet und diese als gegeben akzeptiert. Es wird davon ausgegangen, ja – angenommen, dass es der richtige Weg sei im Leben voranzukommen und zum „Glück“ oder zur „Zufriedenheit“ zu finden. Doch was verleitet die Menschen zu dieser Annahme? Warum werden Lebensentscheidungen basierend auf Annahmen getroffen? Was sind die Beweggründe für ein Handeln unter Annahmen?
In dieser Arbeit wurden soziologische, psychologische und philosophische Beobachtungen in Bezug auf Hypothesen dokumentiert und in Buchform visualisiert.
In dieser Arbeit wurden soziologische, psychologische und philosophische Beobachtungen in Bezug auf Hypothesen dokumentiert und in Buchform visualisiert.
Die gestalterische Ebene spielt mit der Wahrnehmung des Betrachters und seinen Unterstellungen, die angeregt, verifiziert oder auch nicht bewiesen werden. Inhaltlich werden unterschiedliche Verfahren der Spekulation anhand der Gestaltung erfahrbar.